No way Israel. This killing must stop. You have no right to butcher innocent civilians.

How many people must be killed before an act of war can be defined: GENOCIDE? Why do we have to fear to point the finger towards an indisciminate and contunuos act of cruelty such as the one going on in the GAZA Strip since the 7th October attack? Enough is enough and whomever fears to stand up for humanity and make the killing stop must be labelled as an accomplice of the murderous attacks on civilians, children, old people, disabled. CIVILIANS should not be targeted. ISRAEL is on the verge of being compared to the NAZIS for what they are doing. I remember that when the NAZI CAMPS were discovered at the end of the WAR, in 1945 many knew what was going on but had not the courage of standing up for the sake of those who were murdered. SAME SITUATION TODAY. All the people who care for HUMANITY should have the balls to point their fingers at ISRAEL and say:” YES THIS IS MURDER, THIS IS INDEED A GENOCIDE . STOP THE KILLING NOW ” And even if they did stop the killing they should be accounted for by the INTERNATIONAL TRIBUNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS. SHAME ON YOU ISRAEL.

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