Pope Francis will clean the Vatican like San Francesco

MAR 15 Pope Francis will clean the Vatican like San Francesco (by pio dal cin)March 15th 2013 00:18 a.m (Rome Time GMT+1) … Altro

New Pope O’Malley Cardinal with “what it takes” (a plea to the Holy Spirit)

MAR 9 New Pope O’Malley Cardinal with “what it takes” (by pio dal cin) Saturday March 9th 2013 7:00 Rome … Altro

WordPress or Blogger which is best for SEO? (video) from GoogleWebmaster

Published on Mar 5, 2013 I’ve used Blogger for 3 years, but now everyone tells me that WordPress is superior for … Altro

G+ Google plus Hangouts have improved accessibility for the hearing impaired

MAR 1 G+ Google plus Hangouts improved accessibility Hangouts (Photo credit: AJC1) (by pio dal cin) +Google+  has announced today that accessibility … Altro

Maroni Presidente della Lombardia un umile consiglio

FEB 27 Maroni Presidente della Lombardia un umile consiglio (by pio dal cin) Il monento difficile che stiamo attraversando politicamente … Altro

To all corrupted politicians in Italy. On your last day, you’ll regret your behaviour

(by pio dal cin) To all the corrupted politicians out there. Listen to the voices of the People of Italy … Altro

Elezioni 2013 Ecco i primi risultati- Italian Elections 2013 here the first results

 (by pio dal cin) These should be the first results from the Elections in Italy as Grillo is expected to … Altro

Grillo e l’Italia. Domenica si vota. Per chi?

Grillo e l’Italia. Domenica si vota. Per chi? (by pio dal cin) E’ arrivato il fatidico giorno del silenzio elettorale … Altro

Attack By Chondrite: Scientists ID Russian Meteor

  Attack By Chondrite: Scientists ID Russian Meteor   February 22, 2o13 Enlarge image Researchers who studied pieces of the … Altro